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“We knew the first test that was done in Australia was not the first tests that were done anywhere in the world and that will not change.

“When you look at the evidence that the WADA report shows where steroid use has actually stopped, that means that the number one drug of abuse that we as a community are seeing from our athletes in the World Tour is going down through our national team and through the national amateur sport, legal steroids online to buy.

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Mr Gaudron said he didn’t think the allegations were a distraction, uk steroids direct.

“I think we need to keep on doing what we’re doing, uk direct steroids. I think the Australians are going to continue to take those risks and they’re going to keep taking those risks,” he said.

“It’s unfortunate for those athletes, but if they want to keep the drug laws in place then they’ve got a choice to make, legal steroids online to buy.”

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