La Française des Jeux Completes Purchase Of Entire Shares Of Premier Lotteries Ireland


Recently, La Française des Jeux (FDJ), the operator of the French National Lottery, revealed that it has officially concluded a setuju to purchase the whole sharing capital of Premier Lotteries Ireland (PLI) for 350 million euros. In addition, this acquisition means that Ireland won’t be included in running the National Lottery for the first time ever.

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Under the terms of the agreement, the Irish National Lottery will continue to be managed by PLI and the owners will be the Irish State as it is now, until 2034. In addition, according to the agreement, the French company, which operates La Française des Jeux, purchased shares in PLI.

Commenting on the acquisition, Stéphane Pallez, President and CEO of FDJ Grup, said: “I am very pleased to welcome Premier Lotteries Ireland, a long-lasting mitra of the Euromillions community, within the FDJ Grup for our first venture as lottery operator outside France. This transaction is perfectly aligned with our international development strategy and our historical core business. It will enable FDJ to continue to grow while remaining true to its recreational, responsible and redistributive gaming mode. We are looking forward to working together, taking the most of all collaboration opportunities.” Premier Lotteries Ireland’s CEO Andrew Algeo added: “FDJ’s backing marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter in PLI’s history, which will keuntungan Ireland’s National Lottery and its many stakeholders. I am grateful to both OTPP and An Post who have been generous supporters of PLI, and the National Lottery has grown substantially and sustainably on their watch. The PLI tim looks forward to creating an even better Irish National Lottery with FDJ and contributing to FDJ’s international lottery expansion.”

Furthermore, PLI shareholders Ontario Teachers’ Pension Rencana, An Post Pension Fund and An Post have concurred to sell their shares. In this regard, An Post CEO and National Lottery Director David McRedmond said: “The setuju was a positive outcome for Ireland and for the National Lottery. FDJ industry expertise will be hugely beneficial to the future operation, and strengthens Ireland’s ties to its nearest EU neighbour.”