Have a Last Bite in Before the New Year! A Fresh Pumpkin Pie Made from Scratch

Pumpkin Pie

Everyone, from kids to grandparents, loves a good pie. The filling determines whether a pie is sweet or savory, hence there are many different kinds of pies. There are many different kinds of pies, such as pumpkin pie, apple pie, pecan pie, strawberry pie, orange pie, cheese pie, and chicken and cheese pie. Consider the filling you want, and try different cakes until you find one that you like. People are realizing that cakes are not only the friendliest and most comforting food, but also the ideal present for any occasion, thus gourmet bakeries are springing up everywhere, and people are also realizing that cakes are the perfect gift.

As Thanksgiving and Christmas draw ever closer, many households are beginning to plan out the holiday desserts they intend to prepare, specifically the pies and cakes. When many people think of Halloween, pumpkin is the first food that comes to mind. One of the pies that is considered to be the most popular during this time of year is pumpkin pie. This is due to the abundance of fresh pumpkins that are a variety of brilliant and gorgeous colors of orange.

The following items are essential for the preparation of a pumpkin pie:

  1. Sugar squash (medium size)
  2. 4 Egg
  3. one-half of a teaspoon of ground ginger
  4. 1 tablespoon vegetable oil or melted butter
  5. 1/2 teaspoon salt
  6. one-half of a teaspoon of cinnamon
  7. One cup worth of honey
  8. one and a half cups of milk
  9. ½ cup double cream
  10. the desired amount of chopped almonds and cashews


To begin, make the puree from the pumpkin. The pumpkin should be peeled, seeded, and sliced before being baked at 325 degrees until the flesh is fork-tender. Let the pumpkin that has been cooked cool. Remove the inside flesh, then put it through a fine grinding process in a blender.

In a bowl, combine the two cups of pumpkin puree. Add the four eggs that have been beaten, together with the salt and the other ingredients that have already been described. After thorough mixing, pour the mixture into the pie crust that has not yet been baked. Cake crusts that are created at home are simple to prepare and do not taste any worse than those that are purchased already finished or as flour mixes from the store.

To make a tasty crust for a cake, mix 1.5 cups of whole meal flour with a half teaspoon of salt, a half teaspoon of sugar, a half cup of cooled, cubed butter, and a quarter cup of cold water. Put all of the ingredients listed above, with the exception of the water, in a food processor to produce a dough as quickly as possible. And continue to add the water in a slow, steady stream until the mixture is grainy. Place on a baking sheet and knead while adding water in increments, continuing until the dough is pliable. When rolling out the dough, first cover it with plastic wrap or plastic sheeting and chill it in the fridge for an hour.

Once an hour has passed, take the dough and, using a rolling pin, flatten it out into a thin layer before placing it in a cake pan. At a distance of one centimeter, the edges can be pinched and sculpted with your fingers. Nuts can be scattered over the filling, or they can be placed directly on top of the filling as a decorative element. Bake the uncooked pumpkin pie in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for around one hour and fifty minutes. Use a knife to determine if the pie is done by cutting into it.

For Thanksgiving or Christmas, show your loved ones how much you care by serving them this homemade pumpkin pie filled with fresh whipped cream or ice cream.